Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fighting a Losing Battle on an Alien Planet

A dream I had...

First of all I'm all decked out in some white futuristic military outfit and I'm hiding behind some stacked stone arches of a hollowed out building and there are huge, I mean HUGE, machines coming for me shooting their weapons and everything. And I know that I'm done for, everyone else in my platoon (for lack of a better military term) are dead or dying and I'm about to join them soon.

I look over to my left and see the side of a hill that looks a little "off." I fire of some last rounds and run to the hill side. I notice that it's hollow so I start to kick at it to knock a hole in there so I can hide from the huge war machines. Suddenly I hear a voice over some sort of a radio that says that's a dangerous place and that I shouldn't go in there. I tell the voice that I'm no better off staying where I am and I feel I have a better chance with the devil I don't know. So I give one last kick and I get a crack in it enough for me to pry open the shell enough for me to crawl through.

As I entered the hollow hill it's completely dark but from the little light I have I can tell that there's only about half a foot of a ledge before a huge drop down into some mammoth bottomless pit. But I have to get away so I crawl in and put back the piece of hill I took out to hide my tracks. But it doesn't work. As soon as I shimmy away from my little door it's discovered by two ground troops and they open it and look through. They can't see me or what's about to get them. They shout to see who's in there and at the sound of their voices the ground shakes and huge tentacles shoot out and grab them and drag them down into the darkness. I breath a sigh of relief but I suddenly slip off the ledge and slide down to meet whatever or whoever lives at the base of this hollow hill.

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